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Development Manager

We are currently searching for a Development Manager to join the established team, based in Paris ideally.

The role will require you to work across a portfolio of renewable energy projects, mainly made up of onshore wind projects and ground mounted solar PV, where you will be responsible for all phases from land control to ready-to-build phase.

Our client is an international Renewable Energy Producer who develops, builds, and operates renewable energy projects on a global scale, and currently have over 9GW of total capacity, and 6GW in the development pipeline.

Role Responsibilities:
- Identifying and securing land for renewable projects, specifically onshore wind, as well as negotiation skills 
- Technical knowledge of onshore wind and solar PV installations
- Managing the relationships with landowners and local municipalities, ensuring smooth authorizations, the economic security of the project, and the negotiation of sales contracts

Desirable Skills:
- Experience in project development and permit management of renewable energy projects, ideally onshore wind
- Minimum 3 years' experience working on ground-mounted solar PV, onshore wind, agriPV, and/or BESS in France
- Fluent in French and English

Kate Friar

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 388 050