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We know the people that turn ideas into reality.

The chemical industry will play a critical role in closing the loop for a net-zero future. Finding the very best talent is vital to examine processes, support the movement into new technologies and drive innovation.

Finding greener solutions for production and manufacturing and sustainably managing the supply chain and distribution means the chemicals sector is seeing shifts in strategy, people and product. 

Chemicals - in brief

Speciality/bio chemicals hiring

As the chemical industry moves away from outdated methods to more sustainable, eco-friendly products and processes, speciality chemicals is an exciting and progressive sector to be part of. With new opportunities and global growth, speciality chemicals companies are becoming the industry of choice for seasoned professionals and graduates alike. Eleven finds the next generation of talent for this exciting market across leadership, technical and commercial vacancies.

Lubricants recruitment

As automotive and manufacturing businesses diversify, so too must the lubricants sector. The growth of electronic vehicles and the growing renewable energy production space is one to watch.

Roles recruited


We find the management team and leaders who will drive your business forward across:  

C-Suite / Executive  Director & VP  Senior Management


Our specialist chemicals sector teams source experts in their field across the following roles:  

Engineering Scientific Manufacturing


We hire industry expertise within the following commercial disciplines: 

Sales and Business Development Marketing and Product Management Procurement, Regulatory and Compliance  

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
Are you ready to step into a pivotal role where your expertise in R&D Project Management drives groundbreaking innovations? Eleven are representing a true trailblazer in the realm of high performance materials, their company stands at the forefront of
United Kingdom
I have been asked to recruit for a Principal Level Process Safety Consultant for a global business.   You would be the technical specialist when visiting new sites and have the ability and knowledge to discuss in detail all process safety/risk
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I am very excited to recruit another role for a fabulous client in the Process Safety sector. The Sales Manager will be focusing on process safety and lab testing within a technical consultancy to blue chip Pharmaceutical, Chemical, and Personal
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Are you a technical expert with a passion for building relationships and driving business growth? Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment where your expertise can make a real impact? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you! Eleven have been
Greater Manchester
United Kingdom
We have been retained by a Chemicals company based in Manchester, who are looking for a Chemical Process Engineer to add to the team.  As a qualified Chemical Engineer, you will be given training and development from experienced Engineers within the
United Kingdom
Are you a Chemical Engineer with a passion for safety and innovation? Do you thrive in a dynamic environment where your expertise can make a real impact? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you! We have been retained by leading chemicals company
Returned: 23 results
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