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With the right people, the possibilities are infinite.

As the needs of energy trading organisations widen, the importance of the middle office function increases. More than ever there is a requirement to perform at greater speed and visibility, in particular within P&L, quantitative analytics, and risk management. Those that have implemented effective middle office systems are seeing an increase in efficiency improvements day-to-day, resulting in greater confidence in the risks taken by the Front Office. 

Eleven find the people that will help you take the lead as you face challenges across risk measurement, price curves, credit risk, and flexibility valuations, because, hiring the best talent, and ensuring you retain them, is now just as pivotal as your upcoming projects.

United Kingdom
A fantastic opportunity for a Senior Analyst to work on Market Risk Projects for a highly respected and market leading business in London.   Purpose of the role: The role involves managing and implementing IT projects to improve management and
Returned: 1 results

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