Elevate your people and processes.

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Elevate is a recruitment process outsourcing service that will find you more of the right people at pace.

“Eleven always manages to find relevant candidates in terms of skill set and culture fit, but what sets them apart from other recruitment agencies is their ability to support additional processes alongside finding the right people. Eleven’s L&D manager has helped support our hiring teams to elevate their interviewing skills, ensuring they’re in the best position to engage the very best talent for Aqdot by supporting us with interview planning and how best to sell our business and our brand to prospective employees.” Linda Clark, HR Manager, AQDot

Eleven’s clients chose Elevate to:

  - Grow their teams as a start up or mature business
  - Manage multiple hiring suppliers reducing spiralling costs and chaotic inefficiences
  - Support in house teams with spikes in hiring volumes
  - Enter new markets with new products or in new locations
  - Find the best talent with unfamiliar skills

We’re different because we’re jargon free.
We’ll support you when you need, and how you need.

  • With 25 years’ experience, we know what good looks like
  • Sector focussed, we have an unrivalled grasp on your industry, meaning we can consistently find you the right talent with a practised well refined process
  • Elevate will live and breathe your brand and ensure the right talent is attracted and retained
  • With one partner to manage the process and supply chain, hiring is hassle free and measurable

“Tangible insight has been provided with regards to market dynamics, including salary benchmarking, market availability and competitor growth. As an organisation we have found their market knowledge and consultative approach invaluable in the rapid growth we have recently undergone… our trusted partner and are already helping us shape our approach in Glennmont’s next phase of expansion under the Nuveen banner.”
Jordi Francesch, Head of Asset Management & CRO, Glennmont Partners

Elevate - Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Ask us about outsourcing your recruitment process to support you with:

Targeted search and campaigns                                                Managing your supply chain with multiple recruitment agencies
Building an organisational structure that suits you              Providing salary guidance
Talent planning and creating job descriptions                       Creating your brand to attract the very best
Building a careers site to attract key skills to your teams   Managing applicants; referencing, interviewing and testing applicants
Choosing an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)                        Up to date Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) knowledge
Managing offers and pre employment checks                       Providing candidate support and ensure slick onboarding

For more information email hello@elevenassociates.com