Working at Eleven

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What's it like working at Eleven? Read reviews from our colleagues below or visit our Glassdoor page.

Fiona Hammond Corporate Photo

 Fiona Hammond | Director of Operations

"I’ve been with Eleven for almost 20 years. I am part of an organisation which values and respects its people; its inclusive culture encourages everybody to bring their best selves to work. Eleven promotes a strong work ethic which makes me want to contribute more every day towards the common goal of the company and the team."

David Hoggart | Divisional Director - Chemicals and Alternative Technologies

David Hoggart Corporate Photo

"When I was considering my next move, I wanted to join a business where I could really make my stamp and build something special. Eleven has given me exactly that – we have been able to build a highly successful team, and grow the business through strategic partnerships with our clients. I have a personal and professional interest in the environment and sustainability, so having the opportunity to work with clients and candidates within this area, who are advancing sustainable technological developments, with global applications, is what drives me. Eleven as a business is an adult, meritocratic and entrepreneurial working environment, and offers the flexibility to create an actual work-life balance."


Peter Morgan Photo

Peter Morgan | Desk Lead - Oil Trading and Commercial Shipping

"I’ve been at Eleven for 11 years and over the years seen the company transition from an oil trading and shipping recruiter to an exciting, leading energy and commodities, renewables and alternative technology recruiter and consultancy. I continue to be challenged and excited

by the people around me. Eleven offer trust, flexibility and support."

Dominic Kendal Corporate Photo

Dominic Kendal | Managing Director

"We have a great group of people in this business who work hard for the company and each other. Lots of socials and charity events giving back to employees as well as the community. A family feel with a big business mentality, helping our employees reach new levels of potential earning as well as setting a specific career path. Always investing in new technologies and training to make our job easier as well as upskilling the current team. Offer one of the best commission structures I have seen in my 10 years of recruitment. A team who are passionate about our sectors, helping our candidates, clients and teammates."

Kate Friar | Recruitment Consultant Kate Friar Corporate Photo

"Eleven are always conscious of employees wellbeing and happiness. Everyone is also so approachable and will help each other with anything!"