Our CSR activities and pledge

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Nick Smith"We allocate 1% of net fee income and 1% of our time to community, charitable and environmental causes. Everyone is encouraged to get involved in the activities, from planning to execution. We make donations directly or as matched funds for those raised by others. If we can combine funds with volunteering, so much the better." Nick Smith, Chair at Eleven






With our head office in Manchester, we see daily the spectrum of wealth and poverty in the city. With our privileged position at Eleven we look to support and tackle challenges in the area including homelessness, food poverty and youth disenfranchisement. 

Throughout 2022 we donated over £6,995 to various charities in the North West including: Wood Street Mission, Booth Centre, Mustard Tree, Save the Children, MIND, Coffee4Craig and Speed of Sight.

Christmas Jumper Day  Charity Hike  Bake Off for Speed of Sight


Working together at Eleven we combine charities that are closest to our hearts and the enjoyment of working together outside of work on valuable team building and charity activity days. 1% of time out of the office allows us to build better connections with our colleagues whilst providing much needed support to our local community. Colleagues giving their time and expertise to support projects is of great value - whilst also supporting the local community, we develop individuals skills and experience. 

In 2022 we volunteered over 120 hours at Greenhills Farm, with the Cheshire Wildlife Project on their rewilding activities.

Charity Hike  Dropping off gifts at WoodStreetMission  Greenhills Team  


Our 100-year role within energy transition, since the days of our parent company Ashley & Dumville means we have a sharp focus on the climate and diversity crisis. As an office based business we’re not great emitters of greenhouse gases but we believe it is good practice to measure and manage our carbon footprint annually and aim to reduce this year on year.

In 2022 Eleven volunteered 120 hours to supporting environmental projects and collectively donated £3,775 to green causes.

Headge Laying  Tree planting  Trees  Fence building

Our 2023 CSR events calendar

  • 21st April - #FootbalShirtFriday raising funds for Cancer Research - £208 raised
  • 6th July - 10K run for MIND - raised £716
  • 11th August - Kinder Scout, Peak District hike - raising money for MIND  
  • 1st December to the 12th December - The 12 Days of Christmas
  • 8th December - Christmas Jumper Day
  • Throught the year - our Marketing Director, volunteers with Girls Out Loud.

For more information on the events that have already happened, visit our blogs.