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United Kingdom
Seeking a Principle Scientist with industrial experience in electroplating and electrochemistry!   Our client is an innovative coating technology start-up company developing processes/materials with direct application to the hydrogen industry. This is a
Greater London
United Kingdom
Our client, a trading business based in London is currently looking to hire an experienced oil trader to further develop their international crude business. The company benefits from a wider fully integrated model which includes upstream production as
Greater London
United Kingdom
Our client, a well established jet & sustainable aviation fuel supply business, is currently looking to hire a Suply & Trading Manager to be responsible for the optimisiation & risk management of their product flows associated with their jet fuel
Greater London
United Kingdom
A great opportunity to join this fully integrated oil & energy business based in London who are looking to hire an experienced Fuel Oil Trader.   Main responsibilities as follows: Trading of physical fuel oil and associated derivatives; Managing
United Kingdom
A great opportunity to join this well established blender & supplier of renewable fuels who are looking for somebody who can be relied on to find the optimal supply portfolio for its fast growing fuel blending businesses. The right candidate will have
Returned: 59 results
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