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United Kingdom
A fantastic opportunity for an Assistant Accountant to join a highly respected, growing business based in London. The role involves reporting directly to the Managing Director, this role focuses on carrying out oil & gas accounting functions together
We are currently searching for an Asset Engineer which will have a focus on solar PV to join the team of one of our key clients, based in Madrid. In this role you will review and assess the performance of the assets under management, ensuring any
Eleven are working with a dynamic business based in Germany, part of a global trading company, currently seeking an experienced Power Originator to join a growing team. With an energy focused background and expertise, you could be a great fit for this
United Kingdom
We are working with a global service provider to recruit a Principal Process Safety Engineer for their operations in North East Scotland  They are not trying to reinvent the wheel - but trying to improve standards and mitigate risk across Oil &
We are currently working with a fast-growing renewable energy developer, investor and operator, currently in the very dynamic start-up phase with their search for a Project Developer . The company was founded at the beginning of 2020 with a mission to
We are currently searching for an Asset Engineer which will have a focus on Onshore Wind, to join one of our key clients established teams, based in Madrid.   In this role you will be responsible for reviewing and assessing the performance of the asset
Returned: 66 results
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