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Greater London
United Kingdom
This international oil & trading business are looking to hire a Shipping Operator to join their team in London. Reporting to the Shipping Operatioons Manager, this position is responsible for daily shipping operations from the vessel on subs until the
Greater London
United Kingdom
We are currently working with a number of oil & trading companies in London who are looking to hire oil / products (trading & market) analysts to help guide commercial strategy and more general discovery of trading opportunities.  Some common
United Kingdom
I have been retained to recruit a Maintenance Manager for a global specialty chemicals company based in Essex. The site is a lower-tier COMAH site and are looking to grow through recruiting talent who can improve site operations. They are happy to
Greater London
United Kingdom
Fantastic opportunity for a Senior Manager to join a Global Energy Investment Fund with HQ based in London. My client is looking for a Senior Manager within the Asset Controlling team to come in and manage a number of Platforms / IPP’s within their
We are currently searching for a Portfolio Manager to join the team in either Berlin or Frankfurt.  In this role you will be responsible for all tasks related to portfolio management, from analysing investment opportunities and managing client
United Kingdom
I am looking to recruit a Process Safety specialist for a client who are looking to establish a foothold in the North of England. They are already working across the UK, Europe, and further afield but have highlighted the North as a growth area.   Very
Returned: 66 results
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