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Senior Project Manager

We are currently searching for a Renewable Energy Senior Project Manager to join their new business that is a joint venture between two international companies, based in Milan, that will support the full project life cycle of the renewable energy assets.

Our client invests, develops, operates, and manages high-performance utility-scale renewable across Southern Europe, the Nordics, and the UK, and is currently developing and construction a 1GQ portfolio of solar PV, onshore wind, and BESS.

  • Project management and development activities, in addition to the coordination of EPC tendering, and project construction contracts
  • Technical due diligence, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies including site suitability appraisal, conceptual design and preliminary estimation of energy production
  • Support investment/ M&A activities by identifying and evaluating technical and commercial elements of investment opportunities in utility-scale renewable energy assets - solar PV and onshore wind

  • 7+ years project management experience, with particular focus on the development and construction of utility-scale solar PV (experience with onshore wind is a plus)
  • Knowledge of the regulatory environment and market standards around renewable energy across Europe
  • Experience with EPC and IPP tendering processes, as well as EPC and O&M contracts

Kate Friar

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 388 050