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Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

United Kingdom
£70000 - £100000 per annum, Benefits: LTIP
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
£75,000 - £100,000 + long term incentive plan
Flexible working in Lancaster
Are you passionate about making a positive impact on our planet? Do you thrive in a dynamic and collaborative environment? A cutting-edge sustainability consultancy that focuses on addressing the climate and ecological emergency is looking for a Chief Executive Officer to lead the business and take it to the next level while increasing their impact and maintaining their core values.

As the Chief Executive Officer, you will need knowledge of the ecological emergencies that are facing humanity to develop a strategy for the business, ensure the smooth running of all operational aspects, and establish short and long-term goals for the business and employees. In addition, you will oversee the financial structure and ensure adequate funding for the goals of the business to be successfully achieved.

Our client is best known for their pioneering work on carbon metrics, sustainable food systems, net-zero strategies for landscapes, holistic business assessments, and more recently in various forms of automation. They distinguish themselves by offering tailored and specific sustainability consultancy services which are guided by the best research and evidence, to give realistic and practical responses.

Kate Friar

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 388 050