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Renewable Project Developer

Please apply for salary
We are currently working with a fast-growing renewable energy developer, investor and operator, currently in the very dynamic start-up phase with their search for a Project Developer. The company was founded at the beginning of 2020 with a mission to significantly contribute to closing the gap between global emission reduction targets and reality, in time to protect the future of our planet.

Role responsibilities:
  • Support the coordination and delivery of various work streams related to the due diligence, development and implementation of Wind, Solar and Battery projects in Germany.
  • Become a go-to Wind, Solar and Battery project development expert in the team, bringing the expertise needed to support our BD, M&A teams and be a trusted counterpart to our local development partners.
  • Work with other functions, development partners, external advisors and equipment suppliers across throughout the project life cycle.
  • Identify and manage project sites and the right external experts where needed for significant due diligence, design, engineering, or other technical activities.
Desirable skills:
  • You have a degree in the fields of Geography, Regional-, Spatial- or Landscape-Planning, Renewable Energy Engineering, Environmental Sciences or comparable
  • First professional experience in the planning and development of photo-voltaic, wind energy or battery storage projects or spatial and environmental planning is an advantage.
  • Fluent German and proficient English, another European language would be an advantage.

Kate Friar

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 388 050