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Principal Process Safety Consultant

United Kingdom
£65000 - £85000 per annum, Benefits: Bonus/Share Scheme/Flexi Work

I have been asked to recruit for a Principal Level Process Safety Consultant for a global business.

You would be the technical specialist when visiting new sites and have the ability and knowledge to discuss in detail all process safety/risk assessments and the benefits of partnering with a trusted advisor to many companies within the energy sector. 
The role

  • You will be required to participate in and manage a range of client and internal projects focused on the provision of services to improve the design, operation, and maintenance of hazardous processing facilities on client sites.
  • This is a senior customer-facing and delivery role requiring good interpersonal skills.
  • A head for business and management experience, as well as a desire to remain involved in the technical details.
  • I am looking for someone who has a minimum of 6 years of experience in this role, across upstream, downstream, and midstream manufacturing processes.
  • Somebody who is accountable but can also ask the right questions. 
  • Experience in QRA and the report software linked to this would be ideal.

The role is based in London, but they are open to 2/3 days in the office and the rest could be remote to suit the needs of the client.
Qualifications expected:

  • A chartered engineer with a degree in chemical or process engineering.
  • Able to demonstrate a good understanding of design principles, processes, and standards.
  • Detailed understanding of relevant legislation, especially in QRA,  and related codes, standards, and good practice.
  • Experience in the regulation of 
    • Renewables H2 and CCUS
    • COMAH management and safety case, offshore Safety Cases
    • Onshore and offshore safety & risk engineering
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills and a proven ability to communicate effectively with clients and colleagues.
  • Ability to develop good relationships with colleagues and contribute constructively and effectively to projects as a part of a multi-disciplinary team.


Paul Cannon

Principal Consultant

+44 7484 082654