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Gas & Power Operations Scheduler

Energy Trading & Shipping
United Kingdom
A valued client of Eleven is looking for a dynamic individual to join their team in a pivotal role contributing to European Power & Gas activities.

If you're passionate about operational excellence and thrive in a fast-paced environment, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

Location: London
Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or related field. Master's degree highly desirable.
Experience: 2+ years in a similar role within Power or Gas scheduling.

Ensure daily and hourly balancing of company activities in European Power & Gas markets. Assist in setting up scheduling systems. Collaborate with trading functions for timely nomination of power and gas activity. Reconcile trading activity. Develop ad-hoc operational analysis reports. Lead change management projects as needed.

Proficiency in coding languages (Python, VBA, or SQL) preferred.
Strong communication skills, proficiency in additional languages advantageous.

Exceptional attention to detail and quantitative/statistical skills.
Strong work ethic, adaptable to occasional weekend work.

Contact me at to find out more about a team driving innovation and excellence in energy trading!

Dominic O'Malley

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 372 630