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Shipping Operator

Energy Trading & Shipping
Greater London
United Kingdom
This international oil & trading business are looking to hire a Shipping Operator to join their team in London.

Reporting to the Shipping Operatioons Manager, this position is responsible for daily shipping operations from the vessel on subs until the shipment is fully completed, and is required to provide prompt operational support through monitoring the shipments under the company’s charter.
  • Ensure smooth and timely operations on vessel clearance, stowage plan preparation according to trading/charterer requirement, terminal/port requirement and internal safety requirement, itinerary update, voyage order distribution, shipment status update, e-filing as well as freight payment.
  • This position is also responsible for shipping operation of time charter fleet, including but not limited to arranging bunker supply, reviewing and settling port disbursements, following charterers’ requirements on each voyage basis voyage order, various operational cost calculation, e-filing as well as freight billing and collection.
  • Ensure that the Charter Party (CP) terms and company policies/compliance rules are closely complied with and adhered to.
  • Liaise closely with external stakeholders, including but not limited to owners, charterers, brokers, agents, PnI clubs, and any concerned parties during spot charter shipment.
  • Liaise closely with internal stakeholders, including but not limited to charterers, cargo operations, vetting, legal, finance, and any concerned teams to ensure smooth communication within the company.
  • Respond promptly to queries/issues/disputes arising during the voyage, cooperating with concerned internal and external parties until they are resolved.
  • Liaise and coordinate among all internal and external stakeholders in the event of shipment incidents and emergencies on vessels during voyage until issue are resolved
  • Maintain a various database of chartering / operational information on a daily basis
  • Keeps Company system updated with the entries of contract details and accruals for the costs where invoices are expected in accordance with the Charter Party
  • Assists in the preparation of weekly/monthly/yearly management reports.
  • Prepare registration documents for various counterparty registration to ensure company compliance rules are adhered to and counterparties are registered timely as per the chartering requirement.
  • Other Project related tasks as requested by the Charterers, Shipping Operation Team Lead, or management.
For more information, please contact

Peter Morgan

Head of Oil and Renewable Fuels

+44 (0)7891 852 682