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Senior Market Risk Analyst

Finance and Risk
United Kingdom
£70000 - £100000 per annum
Senior Risk Analyst
Eleven are partnered with a global energy trading business for the recruitment of a Senior Market Risk Analyst onsite in there London office. The business has a strong global network trading crude & oil products, petrochemicals, LNG and LPG products.

The business has expanded the London operations in recent years and has further plans for growth, the business supports various global offices with the wider business conglomerate.

  • Responsible for daily P&L and position reports
  • Production and issuing of product control metrics and reports.
  • Defines and maintains product control processes and methodologies.
  • Manages forward curve methodology for Mark-to-Market pricing and back testing on forward curves
  • Reviews trader’s compliance with volumetric and tenor limits
  • Stays abreast of product control best practices, identifies improvement opportunities, and works to improve performance.
The successful candidates will have strong risk experience working with the Energy or Commodity trading environment, with expert knowledge across decision analysis, techniques and statistical modelling relating to both market and credit risk control models.

Daniel Crompton

Senior Consultant

+44 (0)7485 388 048