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Maintenance and Reliability Engineer

United States
$120000 - $140000 per annum
Eleven are working in partnership with an amazing global chemical manufacturer that have the world at their feet. They are looking to add a Maintenance Engineer to their team in Louisiana, USA. 

As a Maintenance Engineer, you will be developing and reviewing fixed equipment repair plans, providing engineering support and providing recommendations based on inspection findings. You will be working with a wonderful team who are thriving and set to grow further in the future. 

We are looking for somebody with excellent interpersonal experience and a background in the petrochemical or refining industry in a reliability/maintenance position. In return, you will be joining a company that truly value you and will provide countless opportunities to develop and progress you career!

Please apply with your CV and we will be in touch if you are shortlisted.

Andrew Cannon

Delivery Consultant

+44 7484 082652