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Graduate Process Engineer

United States
$70000 - $90000 per annum
Eleven have been retained exclusively by a Battery Manufacturer based in Springfield, Massachusetts to find them a Graduate Process Engineer. 

This is a great time to join as following more investment, the company is looking to expand and scale their production operations. The main responsibilities with the role will be to work with, learn from, and support the senior process engineers with the full range of process development and scale up activities across the site. 

We are looking for someone with formal Chemical Engineering qualifications, and either experience or passion for sustainable technology development. - internships are welcome as well. If you have recently graduated or about to graduate in the next few months then we would love to hear from you. 

If that sounds like you, send through an up-to-date resume, and we will be in touch to discuss.

Andrew Cannon

Delivery Consultant

+44 7484 082652