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Principal Process Safety Engineer

United Kingdom
£75000 - £85000 per annum, Benefits: Bonus and shares plus standard benefits

We are working with a global service provider to recruit a Principal Process Safety Engineer for their operations in North East Scotland 

They are not trying to reinvent the wheel - but trying to improve standards and mitigate risk across Oil & Gas operations and UK client bases.
This a great opportunity to be part of a large dynamic team that is a trusted advisor to the industry, working closely with customers with a focus on delivery and innovation.

The role of the Principal Safety Consultant will be based in Aberdeen with flexible options considered, but there may also be a requirement to travel in the UK and occasionally overseas for client-related work.

The Principal Safety Consultant will report to a Head of Safety and will have responsibility for leading technical delivery of multiple projects providing guidance and technical leadership to other members of the department.
The role includes interaction with customers and colleagues across the business to collaborate on technical problems and develop solutions.
The Consultant will contribute to establishing the SHE Risk and Region UK strategy, driving its implementation by involving a wide range of team members, providing project QA and technical direction.

You will be the technical lead of projects, delivering workshops, HAZID and HAZOP studies along with specific functional safety.
If you do have experience in QRA, PS Risk Assessment, and safety case work this could be an advantage. 

The ideal candidate would be degree-qualified in chemical engineering and have experience in the sector.

Interested, please call Paul, or click the link provided.

Paul Cannon

Principal Consultant

+44 7484 082654