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Supply Manager - Biofuels & Oil Products

Energy Trading & Shipping
North West England
United Kingdom
A great opportunity to join this well established blender & supplier of oil products & renewable fuels who are looking for somebody who can be relied on to find the optimal supply portfolio for its fast growing fuel blending businesses. The right candidate will have 5-10 years’ experience working in a supply and/or trading/commercial environment, ideally in the oil products and/or biofuels field. Some complimentary supply operations experience would also be an advantage.
Main responsibilities

Responsible for planning and sourcing finished biofuels and bio-feedstocks for the company’s blending business.
  • Find new suppliers of bio-components and biofuels
  • Work with Supply Operations/site to maintain efficient operations
Responsible for planning and sourcing feedstocks for company’s more general fuels .
  • Deal with UK refiners/importers to source gasoil/kerosene on term and spot basis.
  • Deal with producers/brokers to source spot fuel cargos
  • Deal with ship broker to procure shipping and manage demurrage claims.
Provide the business with on-going assessments of market supply/demand balances.
Provide the business with quantitative assessments of different blending opportunities.
Work with Supply Operations & Sales
  • to develop a feedstock procurement plan
  • to coordinate the use of new components
  • to maintain good, productive relationships with suppliers
Opportunity to do business development work with 3rd party customers to increase the penetration of biofuels into new sectors.
Develop a wide counterparty network in the UK/European market

Required Qualifications
  • Effective negotiating skills and ability to analyse and make decisions
  • Numeracy and the ability to develop an analytical approach to solving problems
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills to communicate with international counterparties
  • Previous biofuels (finished biofuels and bio-feedstocks) experience in a trading role preferred
  • Previous downstream oil supply/trading experience (including operations) preferred.
  • Well networked in the European biofuels market preferred.
  • Awareness of exposure management  and hedging preferred.
  • Ability to adjust to a dynamic environment
  • Ability to handle multiple priorities
For more information, please contact Peter Morgan at

Peter Morgan

Head of Oil and Renewable Fuels

+44 (0)7891 852 682