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Principal Scientist

Alternative Technologies
United Kingdom
Competitive with Bonus

Seeking a Principle Scientist with industrial experience in electroplating and electrochemistry!
Our client is an innovative coating technology start-up company developing processes/materials with direct application to the hydrogen industry. This is a unique opportunity to lead the development of processes and scale up a novel technology while managing and building out scientific teams.
As the Principle Scientist, you will be responsible for scaling up a novel coating technology, developing processes, and solving electroplating/electroless plating issues as they arise. You will also lead and develop a team of scientists and develop innovative catalytic materials/processes.
Our ideal candidate will have industrial experience in electroplating and experience in electrochemistry, including cyclic voltammetry and potentiometry. Additionally, we're looking for someone with experience managing teams, ideally in a scientific/manufacturing environment, and experience in developing and scaling up new electrochemical processes.
If you meet these qualifications and are excited about this opportunity, please apply!

Ollie Bennett

Principal Consultant

+44 (0)7483 949 549