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Electrical Applications Engineer

United States
$125000 - $175000 per annum, Benefits: Stock options, 401k plans + more
Eleven have been retained exclusively by a Battery Manufacturer based in Boston, Massachusetts to find them an Electrical Applications Engineer.

They are looking for a qualified Electrical Engineer who has extensive proven experience with installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of energy storage / battery systems.

The company is based in Springfield, so ideally you would be located locally or in Boston, but the position will be remote / field based / involve travel due to the client facing nature of the role, so a willingness and ability to do so is a must (full expenses covered).

We need someone that is as technically gifted, as they are personable, as the position is the front line of customer solutions, and resolutions.

If that sounds like you, send through an up-to-date resume, and we will be in touch to discuss.

Andrew Cannon

Delivery Consultant

+44 7484 082652